
laboratori didattici costituiscono un momento fondamentale nell’offerta didattica e nella vita del corso di studio. Essi vanno incontro a diverse esigenze degli studenti: a seconda degli argomenti affrontati, possono avere carattere propedeutico, di approfondimento teorico-metodologico o pratico-professionalizzante. Per queste ragioni, a seconda del taglio di ciascun laboratorio, l’accesso ai laboratori può essere soggetto a limitazioni di numero e a una preselezione delle candidature da parte dei docenti. La frequenza ai laboratori è obbligatoria. 

Candidatura ai laboratori

Nelle settimane precedenti l'inizio di ciascun semestre, gli studenti devono presentare la propria candidatura direttamente al docente del laboratorio selezionato, dopo aver preso visione delle informazioni riguardanti orari, date di inizio, scadenze e prerequisiti, via via pubblicate per ciascun laboratorio sull’homepage del corso di studio, sezione Avvisi. I docenti titolari dei laboratori provvederanno a ricontattare gli studenti selezionati prima dell’inizio delle lezioni.

In un secondo momento lo studente dovrà finalizzare la propria iscrizione al laboratorio che sta frequentando, accedendo dalla propria pagina Unimia al servizio iscrizioni esami, nei periodi e secondo le modalità indicate nella sezione sottostante (Iscrizione e verbalizzazione dei crediti).

syllabi dei laboratori attivati dal corso di studio sono consultabili di seguito (Elenco laboratori).

Registration and recording of credits

Workshops are part of the training programme. Students are required to attend workshops in order to sit the final exam.

Each degree programme sets its own application procedures.

Registration to workshops is required for academic credits to be recorded on transcript.

You can register from your Unimia page using the exam registration service (select exams, then other elective courses), within the deadlines:

  • for first-semester workshops, from 11 November to 19 December 2024 and from 13 to 22 January 2025;
  • for second-semester workshops, from 24 March to 28 April 2025 and from 19 May to 11 June 2025.

Please note that no registrations will be accepted outside these periods for the purposes of credit recording.

How to enrol

You can register for a workshop through the exam registration service

Workshop list

You are viewing the A.Y. 2024/2025
To see the courses, select one of the options below based on your matriculation year.
24 courses
Course Max ECTS Hours Period Language
Laboratorio: expo 2025 osaka: arte, musica e artigianato tra italia e giappone 3 20 Second semester
Teaching Workshop: Aesthetics of the Photographic Image 3 20 First semester
Teaching Workshop: Atelier of Musical Philology: Creating a Critical Edition 3 20 Second semester
Teaching Workshop: Collections, Archives, Testimonials of Japanese Arts and Design in Italy 3 20 Second semester
Teaching Workshop: Digital Content and Interactive Narratives for the Theatre 3 20 Second semester
Teaching Workshop: Digital Scenographies 3 20 Second semester
Teaching Workshop: Editing and Digital Representation of Musical Texts and Sound Events 3 20 Second semester
Teaching Workshop: Emotions in Art: Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence 3 20 First semester
Teaching Workshop: Female Theatrical Cultures 3 20 Second semester
Teaching Workshop: Film Archives: Conservation and Presentation of Film Heritage 3 20 Second semester
Teaching Workshop: Film Criticism On the Web 3 20 First semester
Teaching Workshop: from the Pages to the Scene: Practice and Aesthetics of Performance 3 20 Second semester
Teaching Workshop: Fundamentals of the Research On Cinema: from Sources to the Writing of the Thesis 3 20 Second semester
Teaching Workshop: Listening to Our Time 3 20 Second semester
Teaching Workshop: Methods in Musicological Research 2 3 20 Second semester
Teaching Workshop: Music Marketing and Communication 3 20 Second semester
Teaching Workshop: Music Theory Introduction 3 20 First semester
Teaching Workshop: Music Theory Introduction (advanced) 3 20 Second semester
Teaching Workshop: Musicological Research Methods 3 20 First semester
Teaching Workshop: Teaching Film and with Film Education in Schools 3 20 Second semester
Teaching Workshop: the Ancient Hospital of Milan. How to Lead a Guided Tour of an Historical Monument 3 20 Second semester
Teaching Workshop: the Art and the Document. How to Interpret the Middle Ages from Sources 3 20 First semester
Teaching Workshop: Theatre and Music: Cultural History and Law 3 20 Second semester
Teaching Workshop: Workshop Studying the Circus 3 20 First semester