Educational plan

These educational plans and programme descriptions refer to the A.Y. 2024/2025
Musica, culture, media, performance (Classe LM-45)
Enrolled from academic year 2022/2023 (C89)
Optional programme year

Compulsory activity
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) 3 0 English Undefined
a - 9 CFU in one of the following subjects
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
British Theatre Studies and Performance 9 60 English First semester L-LIN/10
Italian Language and Music Lyrics 9 60 Italian First semester L-FIL-LET/12
Spanish Theatre 9 60 Spanish First semester L-LIN/05
Aesthetics of Music and Spectacle 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/04
French Theatre 9 60 Italian Second semester L-LIN/03
German Theatre 9 60 Italian Second semester L-LIN/13
Iberian and Latin American Forms of Musical Drama 9 60 Italian Second semester L-LIN/05
Digital Cultures and Communication Research 9 60 English Second trimester SPS/08
b - 36 CFU across the following subjects (four subjects awarding 9 CFU each)
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Historiography of Music 9 60 Italian First semester L-ART/07
History and Methods of Music Criticism 9 60 Italian First semester L-ART/07
History of Music Theory 9 60 Italian First semester L-ART/07
Methodologies for Music Education 9 60 English First semester L-ART/07
Anthropology of Musical Performance 9 60 Italian Second semester L-ART/08
Hearing Music in Early Moden Europe and Its Colonies 9 60 English Second semester L-ART/07
Musical Philology 9 60 Italian Second semester L-ART/07
Theory and Methods of Music in Media 9 60 Italian Second semester L-ART/07
c - 18 CFU across the following subjects (two subjects awarding 9 CFU each)
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Dance History 9 60 Italian First semester L-ART/05
History of Contemporary Drama 9 60 Italian First semester L-ART/05
Cinema and Cultural Studies 9 60 Italian Second semester L-ART/06
Multimedia Dramaturgy 9 60 Italian Second semester L-ART/05
d - 12 CFU across the following subjects (two subjects awarding 6 CFU each)
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Aesthetics of the New Media: Music and Colour 6 40 Italian First semester M-FIL/04
Dance History 9 60 Italian First semester L-ART/05
Diplomatics 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/09
Historiography of Music 9 60 Italian First semester L-ART/07
History and Methods of Music Criticism 9 60 Italian First semester L-ART/07
History of Contemporary Drama 9 60 Italian First semester L-ART/05
History of Music Theory 9 60 Italian First semester L-ART/07
Iconography of Japanese Performative Arts 6 40 Italian First semester L-OR/20
Music and Digital Humanities 6 40 English First semester L-ART/07
Russian Theatre 9 60 Italian First semester L-LIN/21
Social and Environmental Psychology 9 60 Italian First semester M-PSI/05
Anthropology of Musical Performance 9 60 Italian Second semester L-ART/08
Cinema and Cultural Studies 9 60 Italian Second semester L-ART/06
Cultural Anthropology 9 60 Italian Second semester M-DEA/01
Digital Publishing 6 40 Italian Second semester SPS/08
History of Radio and Television 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/04
Multimedia Dramaturgy 9 60 Italian Second semester L-ART/05
Musical Philology 9 60 Italian Second semester L-ART/07
Photography and New Media in Contemporary Art 9 60 Italian Second semester L-ART/03
Social History of the Spectacle 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/04
Theory and Methods of Music in Media 9 60 Italian Second semester L-ART/07
Visual Culture 6 40 Italian Second semester L-ART/06
Wars of Images 6 40 English First trimester M-FIL/04
Compositional Analysis 6 45 Italian Undefined L-ART/07
Computer-Based Music Composition 6 45 Italian Undefined L-ART/07
Contemporary Techniques and Compositional Languages 6 45 Italian Undefined L-ART/07
Instrumentation and Orchestration 6 45 Italian Undefined L-ART/07
Music Paleography 6 45 Italian Undefined L-ART/07
Sociology of Music 6 45 Italian Undefined L-ART/07
History of Electroacoustic Music 6 45 Italian L-ART/07
e - Moreover, the student may allocate:
- 9 CFU to other electives chosen from the courses offered by the different faculties of the University of Milan, or to two-year courses, to be agreed with the instructors of any courses taken during the Bachelor's programme.

- 6 CFU to music, theatre and film workshops and internships. (Foreign students must earn 3 CFU by attending a workshop of Italian as a foreign language and pass the B2-level final test).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Additional Language Skills: Italian (3 ECTS) 3 0 Italian Undefined
f - By the end of the first academic year, the student must agree on the topic of their Master's degree thesis, and discuss electives, with the instructor of a core discipline of the programme.
After earning the required 93 credits, in compliance with these rules, the student may sit the final exam and obtain their Master's degree.
Final activities
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Final Exam 27 0 Italian